Thursday, March 27, 2014

Insights on Internship: Interview with Cheyenne Peluso

Cheyenne Peluso is an undergraduate student who is finishing her degree in Health Studies. She is currently completing a paid internship with Verizon Wireless at their onsite Health and Wellness Center in Tampa, Florida. Verizon currently has over 30 different campus locations with an onsite fitness center. Cheyenne took a few minutes out of her busy schedule to share a bit of her internship experience as well as some advice for future interns.

Can you tell us a bit more about your internship?

As a health and wellness intern, I have had the opportunity to coach, train, and encourage healthy lifestyles among the community within and outside of the wellness center through various cafe samplings, lunch and learns, incentive challenges, the 3rd Annual Shamrock Run, and more. 

Which Health Studies class has been the most useful during your internship?

The most useful class would be a combination of all of them. Because as Health Studies majors we talk about different behaviors, how to reach our audience effectively, and ways to promote healthy lifestyles and educate others; it is hard to pick just one class. I feel as though each class builds upon the other.

What piece of advice do you think is most important when looking for an internship?

Look for someone and somewhere that you will enjoy. If you feel a connection during a specific interview, reach out to that person more. If you are unsure about somewhere, don't settle. Reach for the stars and go after your dreams. Do a good job to follow up and thank the interviewer for the opportunity to talk with them about their organization or company and ask a LOT of questions. The best student is the one who digs deep and good preceptor wants to teach as much as possible so it's a great opportunity to feel them out as a mentor! Also, make sure to do your research about each company, not only to impress but to be prepared.

What piece of advice is the most important during the internship?

Remember to be thankful for the opportunity and that your work is never done. Strive to become better than you were the day before. You are there to learn and there is plenty of learning to do. Be friendly, smile, and enjoy your first real experience as a health educator and professional!

Thank you, Cheyenne, for taking time to share your experiences and thoughts!

What was your experience with your internship? What advice would you share?

If you would like to read and hear more of Cheyenne's internship insights and experience, you can visit her blog where she has several posts specifically dedicated to her internship.

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